Bidet Disadvantages: What You Need to Know

Are bidets all they’re cracked up to be?

As you weigh the decision to embrace this bathroom innovation, let’s explore the potential downsides.

Empathizing with your concerns, we’ll shed light on the negative aspects of bidet usage.

Stay informed and make an educated choice that suits your needs and preferences.

Discover the lesser-known side of bidets, ensuring you have a comprehensive understanding before taking the plunge.

Adjustment Period

Hey, so you’re thinking about getting a bidet, huh?

Cool beans!

But let’s get real for a sec.

There’s a bit of a learning curve when you first start using one.

Don’t sweat it; we’ve all been there. 🤷‍♀️

Learning Curve for First-Time Users

Look, no one hops on a bidet for the first time and nails it.

You’re gonna feel like you’re in a water park, but for your butt.

It’s a whole new sensation, and it takes a minute to get used to.

You might even experience some bidet buyer’s remorse initially.

But hang tight, you’ll get the hang of it.

Solution: Start slow.

Use the bidet on its lowest settings first and gradually increase as you become more comfortable.

And hey, maybe watch a tutorial or two.

There’s no shame in it!

Adjusting Water Pressure

Ah, the ol’ bidet water pressure.

Too low, and you’re like, “Did anything even happen?” Too high, and you’re launched into space. 🚀 Finding that Goldilocks zone is key.

You don’t want to feel like you’re in a pressure washer, but you also don’t want a mere trickle.

It’s all about balance, baby.

Solution: Most bidets come with adjustable settings.

Familiarize yourself with the controls and test different water pressures until you find your sweet spot.

And remember, it’s okay to adjust as needed!

Familiarity with Premium Features

So you splurged on the fancy bidet with all the bells and whistles.

Heated seats?


Blow dryer?


But let’s be honest, those buttons can be confusing as heck.

You might accidentally turn on the bidet drying feature when you meant to adjust the seat heating.

Oops! 😅

Solution: Take time to read the user manual.

It’s there for a reason!

Familiarize yourself with each button and its function.

Maybe even label them until you get the hang of it.

And if all else fails, there’s always the internet.

A quick search can provide answers to most of your bidet-related questions.

Space Considerations

So, you’re all set to get a bidet, huh?

But wait, have you thought about the space it’s gonna take?

And no, I’m not just talking about the square footage. 🤔

Size Matters: The Freestanding Bidet Dilemma

Freestanding bidets are like the divas of the bathroom world.

They need their space, and they’re not shy about it.

According to HomeServe, these bad boys take up almost as much room as a toilet.

So, if your bathroom is already feeling a bit cramped, adding a freestanding bidet might just be a no-go.

Solution: Measure twice, install once.

You’ll need an area that’s at least 30 inches wide and 4 feet deep.

If you’re short on space, maybe consider a bidet attachment or seat instead.

They’re like the backup singers to the freestanding diva—still get the job done but take up less room.

Plumbing Woes: It’s Not Just Plug and Play

Ah, plumbing.

The unsung hero of any bathroom setup.

But when it comes to freestanding bidets, it’s a whole different ball game.

You’ll need both hot and cold water supply lines.

And don’t forget about the trap.

Unlike toilets, bidets don’t come with internal traps.

So, you’ll need to install one, along with a drain.

Solution: Unless you’re a DIY plumbing wizard, it’s best to call in the pros.

Make sure you’ve got a hot and cold water supply and space for a trap and drain.

It might cost you a bit, but hey, better safe than sorry, right?

Cost Implications

Alright, so you’re jazzed about getting a bidet, but have you considered the moolah it’s gonna cost ya? 💸 Let’s break down the expenses, so you’re not caught off guard.

Types of Bidets and Their Price Tags

Type of BidetPrice Range
Bidet Spray Attachments$40 – $60
Bidet Toilet Seats$100 – $1,000
Freestanding Bidets$200 – $600
Bidet Toilets$1,000 – $2,000

Bidets come in various styles and, of course, different price ranges.

Here’s a quick rundown:

  • Bidet Spray Attachments: These are the budget-friendly options, typically ranging between $40 and $60.
  • Bidet Toilet Seats: These can set you back anywhere from $100 to a whopping $1,000.
  • Freestanding Bidets: These divas are priced between $200 and $600.
  • Bidet Toilets: The crème de la crème of bidets.

Expect to shell out between $1,000 and $2,000.

But wait, there’s more!

Installation ain’t free, folks.

Installation Costs: Plumbing and Electric

If you’re eyeing a freestanding bidet or a bidet toilet, you’ll likely need a plumber’s expertise.

That’s another $300 to $600.

And if your chosen bidet requires some electrical work, add an extra $200 or more to your bill.

Yep, those fancy features come at a price.

Solution: Before diving in, get a clear estimate of both the product and installation costs.

This way, you’re prepared for the total expenditure.

And hey, maybe consider starting with a simpler bidet attachment if you’re on a budget.

Electrician on Speed Dial?

Some bidets, especially the electric ones, require specific outlets.

We’re talking about a ground-fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) protected outlet.

If you don’t have one right behind your toilet, you might need an electrician to set things up.

And that, my friend, could cost you around $210.

Solution: Check your bathroom’s electrical setup before purchasing.

If you need an electrician, get a quote first.

It’s always better to be prepared.

Operational Challenges

Hold up!

Before you go all-in on that fancy bidet, let’s talk about some challenges you might not have thought of. 🤔

Waiting for the Warm-Up 🕒

Ever jumped into a shower only to be greeted by ice-cold water?

Yeah, not fun.

Well, guess what?

Some bidets can give you that same chilly surprise.

Plumbing Supply says it’s all about how far your bathroom is from the water heater.

So, you might have to wait a bit for that warm, cozy spray.

Solution: Run hot water in the sink first.

It’ll get the warm water flowing in the pipes.

Or, go for a bidet with a built-in tank.

Just remember, if the tank’s small, you might run out of warm water mid-spray. 🚿

Lights Out, Bidet Out 💡

Imagine this: You’re all set for a luxurious bidet experience, and boom!

Power outage.

If your bidet’s electric, you can kiss those advanced features goodbye.

No heated seats, no air dryers, nada.

Generac says some states like Michigan and Ohio are more prone to outages.

So, think about that.

Solution: If you’re in an outage-prone area, maybe opt for a non-electric model.

Or, get a backup generator.

Either way, don’t let a blackout turn into a bathroom fiasco. 🕶️

Health Considerations

Bidets, while offering a plethora of benefits, do come with certain health considerations.

Especially when it comes to women’s health and bacterial contamination, it’s essential to be informed.

Let’s dive deep into these concerns.

Potential Risks for Women

Bidets, especially when used incorrectly, can pose certain risks for women.

The direction of the water spray is crucial.

If the water is directed towards the vaginal area, especially with high pressure, it can lead to the spread of bacteria from the anal region to the vagina.

This can increase the risk of bacterial infections like bacterial vaginosis or urinary tract infections (UTIs). 🌊

Solution: Ladies, always ensure that the water spray is directed correctly.

If your bidet has adjustable nozzles, make sure they’re positioned to avoid pushing water towards the vaginal area.

And remember, gentle pressure is key.

No need for a power wash down there!

Bacterial Contamination Concerns

While bidets are designed to clean, there’s a potential risk of bacterial contamination if not maintained properly.

Over time, mineral deposits can build up in the nozzles, leading to bacterial growth.

Moreover, if the water in the bidet isn’t changed regularly or if the bidet isn’t cleaned, it can become a breeding ground for harmful bacteria.

This can lead to skin irritations or infections. 😬

Solution: Regular maintenance is the name of the game.

Clean your bidet nozzles frequently to prevent mineral buildup.

If your bidet has a filter, ensure it’s cleaned or replaced as recommended.

And always, always make sure the water source is clean.

A little attention can go a long way in ensuring your bidet remains a safe and hygienic choice.

Certainly! Here’s the relevant information about the potential UTI risk associated with bidets and the suggested solutions:

Potential UTI Risk (in Some Cases)

Some populations are at a higher risk of getting an infection.

Women, in general, are at a higher risk of UTIs and some groups, like older adults, have weakened immunity.

While infections can be found in any group, regardless of whether they use toilet paper or a bidet, there’s no major association between bidet use and the risk of infection for women.

However, cleaning with water could cause issues, especially if the bidet is used incorrectly.

For instance, moisture is essential for microbial growth. Most bidets spray upwards, but there’s a slight back-to-front spray direction.

If high pressure is used, water could migrate from the back to the frontal region, potentially contaminating the urethra and vagina.

This hasn’t been confirmed, but it seems plausible.


While there’s no established link between bidet use and infection, it’s advisable to take some precautions:

1. Avoid excess pressure: Excessive pressure can cause water to move from the back to the front. If you want to clean the frontal region, use the feminine spray mode.

2. Stay away from douche attachments: Douche kits are available online to be used instead of handheld bidets. However, the practice is discouraged by major health organizations.

3. Limit use of the frontal/feminine spray modes: Overusing the frontal spray mode can dry out the vaginal mucosa, which might increase the risk of infection and irritation.

Final Say So!

Alright, bathroom aficionados, here’s the real poop on bidets: While they’re the spritz and sparkle kings of the throne room, they come with their quirks.

From splashback surprises to diva-sized demands, bidets aren’t for the faint of heart—or butt.

But hey, with a little patience, some elbow grease, and a good ol’ sense of humor, you can conquer the bidet game.

Just remember: Know before you go, measure before you splurge, and clean like your tush depends on it.

After all, if you’re gonna take the bidet plunge, make sure it’s a smooth landing. 🚽💦🎉


Are bidets good or bad?

Both opinions exist regarding bidets. Some people believe bidets are more environmentally friendly and hygienic than traditional toilet paper, while others have concerns about their cleanliness and potential health risks.

Are bidets less hygienic?

When used properly, bidets can be more hygienic than just using toilet paper. They offer a more thorough cleaning with water. However, it’s essential to maintain and clean the bidet regularly to ensure its hygiene.

What are the arguments against bidets?

Some arguments against bidets include potential health risks, the initial cost of installation, concerns about water usage, and cultural unfamiliarity in some regions.

Can bidet cause urinary tract infections?

There’s no direct evidence that bidets cause urinary tract infections (UTIs). However, it’s crucial to use bidets correctly and ensure they are clean to avoid any potential health issues.

Steven Bosque

Dale Cogburn

Hi, I’m Dale Cogburn! I’m passionate about helping people get the most out of their bidets. I’m an expert on all things related to bidets, from installation and maintenance to product reviews. I’ve been using and researching bidets for over 10 years.

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