Step-by-Step Guide: How to Install a Bidet in an Apartment

Trouble with your bathroom setup?

Trying to figure out how to install a bidet in an apartment?

Yeah, it’s tricky, ain’t it?

We feel your pain.

But hey, don’t sweat it.

You’re about to discover a clear, easy-peasy guide to get that bidet up and running.

Because having a bidet?

It’s a game-changer, trust us.

So read on, and let’s get your bathroom fit for a king (or queen), shall we?

And remember, it’s not rocket science, just a bit of good ol’ DIY. So let’s do this!

Step 1: Ensure Your Bidet Is Apartment-Friendly

Hey there, DIY enthusiast! 🛠️ Before you jump into the world of bidet installation, let’s make sure your bidet is apartment-friendly.

Because, let’s face it, not every bidet is gonna fit every apartment.

So, let’s break it down, step by step, and make sure you’re good to go.

Check with Your Building’s Rules 📜

First things first.

Before you even think about unboxing that bidet, check with your building’s rules and regulations.

Some buildings might give bidets a big ol’ thumbs down, while others might be cool with it, as long as it’s in an accessible spot.

And if you’re in a rental?

Definitely get a nod from your landlord.

You don’t wanna lose that security deposit, right?

Choose the Right Bidet 🚽

Alright, so you’ve got the green light.


But wait, have you picked out the right bidet for your apartment?

Consider the size, the type of installation, and the features you’re drooling over.

And hey, make sure it jives with your apartment’s plumbing.

You don’t want any unexpected waterworks!

Location, Location, Location! 📍

Now, where’s that water supply line at?

Usually, it’s sneaking through a hole in your wall near the floor, connecting to the plumbing by your toilet.

If there’s no hole, you might need to make one.

But hey, that’s what DIY is all about, right?

Test It Out! 💦

Once everything’s set up, give that bidet a test run.

Check the water pressure, the temperature, and keep an eye out for any sneaky leaks.

Step 2: Gather the Right Tools 🛠️

Hey, champ!

Ready to roll up those sleeves and get to work?


But before you dive in, you gotta make sure you’ve got all the right tools and materials.

Because, you know, trying to install a bidet without the right stuff?

That’s like trying to eat soup with a fork.

Not gonna work.

So, let’s make sure you’re all set.

The Must-Haves for Your Bidet Installation 📝

Bidet SeatThe main component for installation
Water Supply PipeConnects water to the bidet
Valve for Water SupplyControls water flow
Elbow ConnectorConnects pipes together
Tubing or PipingDirects water to the bidet
Fixtures and FittingsScrews, bolts, washers for securing the bidet
Pipe ClampSecures tubing or piping
Rinse Basin or CountertopOptional for rinsing
  • Bidet Seat: This is the star of the show. Make sure it’s the right fit for your toilet and apartment setup.
  • Water Supply Pipe: Often called a “jetty”. This is what’s gonna get that water flowing to your bidet.
  • Valve for the Water Supply: To control the flow and make sure everything’s running smoothly.
  • Elbow Connector: Or another type of connector. This little guy helps connect all the pipes together.
  • Tubing or Piping: For that pressurized water action. Think of it as the highway for your water.
  • Fixtures and Fittings: Screws, bolts, washers – all the little things that keep everything in place.
  • Pipe Clamp: To make sure your tubing or piping stays put during the installation.
  • Rinse Basin or Countertop: If you’re going all out and want a place to rinse off.

Step 3: Locate the Shutoff Valve 🚰

Hey, rockstar!

Before we get that bidet splashing, we gotta find that shutoff valve.

It’s the unsung hero of any DIY bidet installation.

Why? ‘Cause it controls the water flow to your toilet.

And trust us, you don’t wanna get drenched mid-installation.

So, let’s find that sneaky valve and get things rolling, shall we?

Spotting the Valve 🧐

Locating the shutoff valve is a piece of cake.

Just look behind your toilet, near the floor.

You’ll see a water line (that’s the pipe bringing water to your toilet). Follow that line, and voilà! There’s your shutoff valve, usually with a shiny handle or knob.

Give It a Twist! 🔄

Once you’ve located the shutoff valve, give that handle or knob a gentle twist.

Turn it clockwise (righty tighty!) to shut off the water.

You’ll know it’s closed when you can’t turn it anymore.

But remember, be gentle.

No need for Hulk strength here.

All Set? 🌟

With the shutoff valve closed, you’re all set to move on.

No water surprises, no mess.

Just a smooth bidet installation ahead.

And hey, once you’re done, don’t forget to open that valve again.

Your toilet’s gonna need that water flow!

Step 4: Close the Shutoff Valve 🚰

Hey, DIY superstar! 🌟 You’ve got your tools, you’ve got your bidet, and you’re raring to go.

But hold up!

Before we get to the fun part, we gotta make sure the water’s off.

Yep, it’s time to close that shutoff valve.

How to Do the Twist 🔄

Find that shiny knob behind your toilet?

Turn it clockwise.

Not too hard, just enough to stop the water.

You’ll know it’s done when the knob won’t budge anymore.

And remember, no need to go all Thor on it.

Step 5: Give it a Flush 🚽

Alright, you’ve turned off the water.

But what about the water that’s already in the toilet?

Time to give it a flush!

The Big Flush 🌊

Hit that flush button like you’re on a game show.

This’ll empty out any water still chillin’ in the toilet.

It’s like clearing the stage for your bidet’s grand entrance.

Double-Check for Drips 💧

Last thing you want is a sneaky leak messing up your DIY mojo.

So, after the flush, keep an eye out for any drips or puddles.

If it’s all clear, you’re golden!

Step 6: Locate the Fill Valve 📍

Hey, DIY aficionado! 🌟 Before we get all splashy with our bidet, we gotta find that fill valve.

It’s the unsung hero that’ll connect your bidet to the water supply.

So, let’s play a little game of hide and seek and locate that fill valve, shall we?

Spotting the Fill Valve 👀

Peek inside your toilet tank.

See that tall component, usually with a float attached?


That’s your fill valve.

It’s connected to the water supply line, making it the perfect spot to connect your bidet.

Why’s It So Crucial? 🧠

Well, the fill valve is your bidet’s water source.

By connecting to it, you ensure that your bidet gets a steady flow of water.

And hey, that means a refreshing and hygienic experience for you!

Handle with Care! 🖐️

While the fill valve is sturdy, it’s essential to be gentle when working around it.

You don’t wanna accidentally damage it or dislodge any connections.

So, channel your inner zen and handle with care.

Step 7: Remove the Hose from the Fill Valve 🚿

Hey there, DIY trailblazer! 🌟 Before we get all fancy with our bidet connections, there’s one crucial step we can’t skip: removing the hose from the fill valve.

It’s like untying your shoelaces before slipping on a new pair of kicks.

So, let’s dive right in and get that hose disconnected, shall we?

Why Remove the Hose? 🤔

Well, think of it this way: you’re setting up a new connection for your bidet.

And to do that, you need a clear path.

By removing the hose from the fill valve, you’re making room for the new connections.

It’s all about making space for the new while saying “see ya!” to the old.

Spotting the Hose 🧐

Remember that fill valve we talked about earlier?

The tall component inside your toilet tank?

Well, there’s a hose connected to it.

It’s the one that refills your tank after each flush.

That’s the bad boy we’re looking to disconnect.

Gently Does It! 🖐️

Alright, time to get hands-on.

But remember, be gentle.

Grab the hose near the base, where it connects to the fill valve.

Give it a gentle twist and pull, and it should come right off.

No need for superhero strength here.

Just a bit of patience and a gentle touch.

Keep It Safe! 🛡️

Once you’ve removed the hose, set it aside in a safe spot.

You’ll be reconnecting it later on, so make sure it’s within arm’s reach.

And hey, while you’re at it, give it a quick check for any signs of wear or damage.

Better safe than sorry, right?

Step 8: Attach the T-Connector to the Fill Valve 🛠️

Hey there, DIY maestro! 🌟 You’ve been doing a stellar job so far.

Now, it’s time to get a bit more technical.

We’re diving into the heart of bidet installation: attaching the T-Connector to the fill valve.

Think of it as the bridge between your bidet and that refreshing water supply.

So, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty, shall we?

Let’s Get Connecting! 🔗

Alright, time to roll up those sleeves.

First, make sure your T-Connector matches the size of your fill valve.

Got the right size?


Now, gently attach the T-Connector to the fill valve.

Ensure it’s snug, but don’t over-tighten.

We want a secure connection, not a wrestling match.

Double-Check Your Work 🕵️

Once you’ve got the T-Connector in place, give it a gentle tug.

It should stay put.

If it’s wobbly or loose, give it another gentle twist.

Remember, it’s all about that secure connection.

No leaks, no mess.

Step 9: Attach the Hose to the T-Connector 🚿

Hey there, DIY dynamo! 🌟 You’ve successfully attached the T-Connector to the fill valve.

Now, it’s time to connect the hose, bridging the gap between your bidet and that refreshing water supply.

Think of this step as the final touch before the grand reveal.

So, let’s get that hose connected and inch closer to bidet bliss, shall we?

Why Connect the Hose to the T-Connector? 🤔

The hose is the lifeline of your bidet.

It’s what delivers that cool, cleansing water right where you need it.

By connecting it to the T-Connector, you’re ensuring a seamless flow from your water supply to your bidet.

It’s all about creating a harmonious water symphony for your comfort.

Spotting the Right Hose 🧐

Remember that hose you set aside earlier?

The one you gently removed from the fill valve?

That’s the star of this step.

It’s designed to fit perfectly with the T-Connector, ensuring a leak-free connection.

So, grab that hose and let’s get connecting!

Gentle Hands Win the Game! 🖐️

Alright, it’s showtime.

Hold the hose near its base and gently insert it into the T-Connector.

Give it a slight twist to ensure it’s snug.

But remember, no need to go all Hercules on it.

A gentle touch ensures a secure connection without any damage.

Double-Check for a Perfect Fit 🕵️

Once you’ve connected the hose, give it a little tug.

It should feel secure and not wobble.

If it feels loose, give it another gentle twist.

We’re aiming for a snug fit, ensuring that water flows smoothly without any unexpected surprises.

Step 10: Remove the Existing Seat or Connect the Water 🚿

Hey there, DIY aficionado! 🌟 Now that you’ve got all your connections in place, it’s time to make room for the star of the show: your bidet.

Whether you’re installing a bidet seat or a standalone unit, this step is crucial.

So, let’s roll up those sleeves and get down to business, shall we?

Removing the Existing Toilet Seat 🚽

Before we can install our bidet, we need to make some space.

And that means saying goodbye to your old toilet seat.

  • Locate the Bolts: Peek at the back of your toilet seat, and you’ll spot a couple of bolts. These bad boys are what’s keeping your seat attached.
  • Loosen ‘Em Up: Grab your trusty screwdriver and give those bolts a gentle twist.
  • Lift and Remove: Once those bolts are loose, lift the seat off its hinges.

Voilà! You’ve just made room for your shiny new bidet.

Connecting the Water to Your Bidet 💧

If you’re installing a standalone bidet, you’ll need to connect it to your water supply.

And trust us, it’s easier than it sounds.

  • Spot the Connection Point: Your bidet will have a designated spot for the water connection.

It’s usually at the back or the side.

  • Attach the Hose: Remember that hose you set aside earlier?

Grab it and connect it to your bidet’s water point.

Ensure it’s snug, but don’t over-tighten.

  • Connect to the T-Valve: The other end of the hose goes to the T-Valve you installed earlier.

Again, ensure a snug fit.

No wobbles, no leaks.

Step 11: Install the Bidet on the Toilet 🚽

Hey there, DIY whiz! 🌟 You’ve made it this far, and the finish line is in sight.

Now, it’s time for the grand finale: installing the bidet on your toilet.

This is where all your hard work pays off, and you get to experience the refreshing benefits of your bidet.

So, let’s get that bidet seated and ready for action, shall we?

Picking the Right Spot 🎯

Before you start, ensure you’ve chosen the right spot for your bidet.

If you’re installing a bidet seat, it should align perfectly with your toilet bowl.

For standalone bidets, ensure it’s close enough to the water supply and drain.

Remember, positioning is key for a seamless bidet experience.

Align the Bidet Fixtures 🔩

Got your bidet seat?


Now, align the fixtures or brackets that came with it to the holes on your toilet bowl.

These fixtures ensure your bidet stays firmly in place, so double-check to ensure they’re aligned correctly.

Secure the Bidet in Place 🛠️

Once aligned, secure the bidet using the provided screws or bolts.

Tighten them just enough to hold the bidet in place, but don’t go all Thor on them.

We want a secure fit, not a cracked toilet bowl.

Connect the Water Line 💧

Remember the hose you connected to the T-Connector?

It’s time to connect the other end to your bidet.

Ensure it’s snug and leak-free.

This connection is crucial for that refreshing water flow to your bidet.

Test the Bidet Spray Head 💦

Turn on the water supply and give your bidet a test run.

Check the spray head’s direction and adjust if necessary.

You want the water to hit the right spot for maximum comfort and hygiene.

Adjust the Settings 🎚️

Most bidets come with adjustable settings for water pressure and temperature.

Take a moment to play around with these settings.

Find the perfect balance that suits your comfort level.

Remember, it’s all about personalizing your bidet experience.

A Quick Note on Maintenance 📝

Bidets are pretty low maintenance, but it’s a good idea to clean them regularly.

Wipe down the exterior with a damp cloth and use a mild cleaner for the spray head.

This ensures your bidet stays hygienic and in tip-top shape.

Ready for a Refreshing Experience? 🌊

With your bidet installed and settings adjusted, you’re all set for a game-changing bathroom experience.

Trust us, once you go bidet, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without it!

Final Say So!

Alright, DIY superstar!

There you have it, a no-nonsense, step-by-step guide to upgrading your throne room with a sleek, refreshing bidet.

Remember, it’s not about proving you’re the Bob Vila of bathroom renovations, but about treating your tush to the luxury it deserves.

So, grab those tools, give a nod to that shutoff valve, and make your apartment the envy of every bathroom aficionado on the block.

Here’s to a fresh start (literally) every time you hit the loo! 🚽🌟 Now go on, conquer that bidet! 🛠️💧🎉


Can I install a bidet myself?

Yes, you can definitely install a bidet yourself, especially if you’re comfortable with basic DIY tasks. Most bidet seats and attachments come with easy-to-follow instructions, making the installation process straightforward.

Can you install a bidet anywhere?

While you can’t install a bidet just anywhere, it’s generally best to install it close to your toilet or a water supply line. This ensures easy access to plumbing and drainage.

Can you install a bidet in a wall toilet?

Yes, you can install a bidet in a wall toilet, but it may require a bit more expertise and specialized fixtures. It’s advisable to consult a professional for such installations.

Is it expensive to install a bidet?

The cost of installing a bidet can vary depending on the type of bidet and any additional plumbing work needed. However, many bidet seats and attachments are relatively affordable and easy to install yourself.

Are bidets apartment friendly?

Yes, bidets can be very apartment-friendly, especially bidet seats that can be easily attached to your existing toilet. Just make sure to check with your landlord or building regulations before installing one.

Steven Bosque

Dale Cogburn

Hi, I’m Dale Cogburn! I’m passionate about helping people get the most out of their bidets. I’m an expert on all things related to bidets, from installation and maintenance to product reviews. I’ve been using and researching bidets for over 10 years.

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